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Frameworks streamline the procedure for buyers in the public and third sectors to obtain goods and services from pre-approved groups of suppliers, including established terms, conditions, and legal safeguards.

Global HSE Group is involved in multiple Frameworks, and this makes the process of using our services simpler for buyers.



CHIC (Communities and Housing Investment Consortium) is a collaborative, not for profit, member owned and governed consortium that delivers compliant procurement solutions and commercial support to their members in partnership with the supply chain.

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Pretium provides PCR 2015-compliant solutions and have developed a range of speciality frameworks, including both single supplier and specialised multi-lot options with numerous partner organisations. These cover a variety of construction and development services that are practical and straightforward to use, with a great deal of flexibility to adapt to local circumstances.

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LHC Procurement Group

The LHC Procurement Group has been supporting public sector organisations with technical procurement for over 50 years, bringing buyers and suppliers together to efficiently build and maintain social housing and public property, benefitting the local community.

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Fusion21 is a social enterprise with a focus on effective public sector procurement. Their framework approach integrates social value into everything they do, allowing for positive affects on communities and those involved.

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Pagabo provides the UK public sector with compliant framework agreements, dynamic purchasing systems and bespoke consultancy, delivered by MCIPS qualified procurement professionals as well as NEC accreditations.

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The Scottish Procurement Alliance is part of the LHC Procurement Group and offers efficient and compliant procurement with the support of 50+ years of experience from LHC. SPA collaborates with its partners and supply chain to promote the delivery of tangible benefits through all projects procured through SPA frameworks.


The Consortium Procurement Construction is designed to offer organisations current and potential new members an unrivalled range of procurement solutions. They value fast and efficient procurement, simplicity and are dedicated in helping clients build to a high standard, benefitting local communities and the environment.



The South West Procurement Alliance provides high quality, innovative frameworks for public sector clients. They provide local support throughout the project lifecycle through having many locally based suppliers and contractors, who understand the specific characteristics of the local economy and environment.

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Operating in Wales, the Welsh Procurement Alliance provides frameworks that can be used by local authorities, social landlords and other public sector bodies to procure works for the construction and maintenance of social housing, schools and public buildings.